Creating Change Together - Letter from the CEO

Interfaith Works staff and agency partners, pose for a photo with Jeff Olivet (middle, back row) from the United States Interagency Coalition on Homelessness.

Learn more about USICH.

Dear Friend,

This summer, we've welcomed several visitors from federal, state and city governments, seeking insight from our staff and clients on creating safe and healthy environments for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Such conversations between policymakers and service providers like IW are critical in tackling the rising problem of homelessness.

Recently, Jeff Olivet, the Executive Director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness toured our programs at Progress Place. I listened as Jeff talked with our clients about their experiences and needs.  After touring the comprehensive programs we offer at Progress Place, we sat together to discuss what trends and challenges Jeff is seeing across the nation for people experiencing homelessness. These conversations can get technical and policy heavy, but a client currently receiving services at Progress Place spoke up. Her question was simple, but impactful. She asked,

“When you’re in the room with these people making bills, and making laws, how do I get them to care about me?

How do I get them to remember that I am a person with a heart and a mind, just like them?”

Her question struck a nerve. How often do some leaders forget the people behind the policy? Every decision made by our leaders affects the lives of those they were elected or appointed to serve. I felt fortunate to witness conversations like these, and to see our local, state, and federal leaders bring humanity into policy making.

In recent weeks, we’ve also welcomed MD Senator Cheryl Kagan, MD Delegate Gabe Acevero, MD Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins, MD Delegate Jared Solomon, and Rockville City Councilmember Monique Ashton to tour our facilities and see our work. We’re grateful to be surrounded by leaders who care enough to witness the reality of our work and use their time with us to inform their policy decisions.  

I am so proud of the work done by all the programs within Interfaith Works, and I feel very honored to participate in conversations that show how much our elected officials, on every level, trust in our work and care about our clients and this community.

Together, we will make a difference.

With gratitude,


Courtney Hall, CEO


Making A World of Difference


Doing Right By Our Neighbors - From the CEO